Evan Genest's Learning Log

I keep notes here. Most of these are related to travel, work, or books.

Tagged “travel”

  1. Christmas in Detroit w/DaysBefore, w/ Family
  2. Things to Do In Chicago
  3. Packing 2.0 - October car camping w/Days Before module
  4. Proposal for a Hike Up the Stromboli Volcano
  5. Packing list for city 50F lows 70F highs
  6. Packing list - Family additions
  7. Packing list for Arkansas half tenting half hosted
  8. Trips From Madison
  9. Packing list for a Domestic Business Trip to a 40 to 60 Faherenheit Climate
  10. Things to do when visiting Ubud, Bali, Lombok, Indonesia
  11. Packing list for a warm climate
  12. Advice when visiting Indonesia
  13. Retrospective of the Last Year
  14. A Week in New Orleans
  15. We Rode the Amtrak Sleeper Car to New Orleans
  16. How to do Snorkeling and Tent Camping in Key Largo and the Everglades