Evan Genest's Learning Log

I keep notes here. Most of these are related to travel, work, or books.

What I learned from pro-democracy podcasts


The Episode

Episode: 310
Podcast: Future Hindsight podcast
Who: Lee Drutman, from Political Reform, at New America with Mila Atmos
Article: Break Up the Two-party System


Working Families Party et al, have fusion balloting, in New York, since 1913.
Fusion voting is a small fix. Mila sounds skeptical.
Proportional representation would be a bigger fix, and could instantly make a coalition across the middle possible, with five or six important American parties.
The parties are supposed to do the work of figuring things out for people who don't have the interest or time to go granular. And the party should work to keep your vote, in a marketplace of ideas. This is not possible unless we have more parties.
High stakes winner take all, in regions, and especially for national leadership, is almost unheard of in the world. Some African countries do it.


Proportional representation, explained
High quality disinformation resource at Princeton University