Evan Genest's Learning Log

I keep notes here. Most of these are related to travel, work, or books.

Packing list for city 50F lows 70F highs



The following list is for a one week hotel stay at the Sonder Hotel in St Paul, Minnesota


&& = wear this, don't pack it
laundry bag for dirty clothes
Pajamas long
sun hat
three pairs of underpants
3 pairs of socks
1 pair short pants (good for working out, esp)
1 long pants &&
1 long pants
puffy nylon zip up
2 short sleeved, button up shirts (1 black, 1 "microfiber" from 14th Street),
1 long sleeve shirt for a night out
1 layer over that, for a night out
2 cotton tshirts (mostly for sleeping, but also for conversation starters)
the rainbow Merrel shoes &&
real leather shoes
bathing trunks
wristwatch (more useful than in normal life) &&

photocopy of the passport
electric toothbrush + charger
!important Power Cord for laptop !!
charger cables: phone, mp3
two flashlights (or one headlamp)
hair brush for shower
toothbrush manual
matches for bathroom smells
toiletries: bar of soap, deoderant, nail clippers, floss, disinfectent ointment, razor)
1 pocket journal &&

Day pack

little neck gaiter
Working Families cap
black nylon fur lined winter cap &&
1 rain shell top
work laptop computer
2nd laptop computer
bluetooth speaker
2 small mp3 players ($30 style) with Chop Bard podcasts
audio book on the above: a novel to listen to at sleepless times
get the accomodations addresses
cell phone &&
headphones (plugin, not blue tooth)
1 book (fiction or non-fiction, with paper for notes if non-fic)
chewing gum 2 packs
can opener


a stack of cash ~400