Evan Genest's Learning Log

I keep notes here. Most of these are related to travel, work, or books.

Packing list for a Domestic Business Trip to a 40 to 60 Faherenheit Climate



The following list is everything I packed for a one week trip to work in Queens New York, USA. It was comfortable after dark and also while riding the rental bikes over the East River bridges in the wind.

This list was tested and revised post-trip.
Size: one small book backpack & one gym duffel


Wear on plane

1 track jacket (like a soccer warmup)
cell phone
proof of flight number tix and times easy to see
white trainers (buy more shoes in NY)
wristwatch (more useful than in normal life)
long sleeve button up shirt (cotton and wearable more than once)
long pants (brown cotton Outdoor Research)
neck tie
moleskine: exchanging contact info with new friends, jotting names/directions for navigation, journaling a list of daily highlights)


thin puffy top jacket
scarf (big gray one)
knit hat
baseball hat
rain pants (if you will bike)
rain shell
just an umbrella (if you only walk)
laptop *phone number written on casing
2 mp3 players
KenKen or crossword puzzle
charger for mp3 players
charger for phone
no TSA metal sharp things
books - 1 is enough if you think you can acquire additional material at destination
waterproof backpack cover
some food: raisins, bars, no peanuts?
3 pens
2 magazines (some photos oriented, but also long-form journalism)
chewing gum 2 packs

Duffel bag

4 pairs of socks
1 some kind of Levi's
2 short sleeved, button up shirts (1 Trek, 1 "microfiber" from 14th Street),
5 underpants
2 cotton tshirts
headphones for meetings (w/ mic)
printed on paper my business with the Bronx High School of Science
photocopy of the passport
print out on a sheet of paper of all the flights
vaccination record including proof of COVID 19 vaccinations
(how will you check email)
(which apps, like bike rental or subway schedules are needed?)
6 power bars or nuts, in addition to backpack food
cord for clothesline
headlamp for plane (check batteries)
a stack of cash
covid n95 mask (1)
Toiletries: (ibuprofen , toothpaste, toothbrush, deoderant, soap, razor, nail clippers, disinfectant ointment and bandaids, floss)