Evan Genest's Learning Log

These are notes to myself. If you discover them and find them useful I would love to hear from you. Most of these are related to travel I did, books I read, or tech notes for Matomo and the LAMP stack.

Browse my topics here

CLI History Greatest BASh Commands


Recognizing a mounted USB:

610 lsblk
611 sudo fdisk -l
612 lsblk | grep sdb
613* lsblk
614 lsblk | grep sd
615 lsblk -s
616 lsblk -sa
617 sudo blkid
618 lsblk
619 lsusb
620 dmesg | grep -i usb
621 sudo dmesg | grep -i usb
622 sudo dmesg | grep -i clip
623 sudo dmesg | grep -i sandisk
624* sudo dmesg | gr
625 sudo dmesg | grep -i manufacturer | wc
626 sudo dmesg | grep -i manufacturer