These are notes to myself. If you discover them and find them useful I would love to hear from you. Most of these are related to travel I did, books I read, or tech notes for Matomo and the LAMP stack.
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Website of Representative Slotkin
web analyticsdrupalThe website for Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin is at The following is what I learned by looking at its web design.
UX #
The Elissa Slotkin site has a clean design. It seems aware that a third of its users are older folks.
I have an octagenarian friend, so I will investigate the site's senior-friendliness by watching her navigate it this week when she tunes in to the upcoming livestream at
Design and CSS #
The use of Red and Blue are very balanced. This is not an blue heavy Squad or E Warren site: keeping the door open to Red and Blue folks.
Data Odometer Spinner #
I don't know what this element is properly termed. It's a banner 2/3 of the way down many popular pages that shows animated loading numbers for how succesful the business is. For this page, it animates three numbers:
Responses to Emails, Letters and Calls
Constituent Cases Closed
Dollars Returned to Constituents
Technology used by the site #
According to Built With, the following things are in the stack of the Slotkin site.
Varnish #
Varnish is a server, specialized in caching, maybe for video streaming especially?
2000 of the top 10000 sites use a Varnish server (says Built With).
The name Varnish comes from when the instigator of Varnish spent a long time staring at an art-poster with the word "Vernissage" and ended up checking it in a dictionary, which gives the following three meanings of the word... (
Drupal #
This continues my observation that there is always a job for you in government web development if you keep up with Drupal.
The site is on an up to date Drupal 9 (yay!).
In theming I see there is a WooTheme style on the FlexSlider.
Javascript #
- FlexSlider (jQuery slider)
- SuperFish (jQuery menu)
- Hover (hoverIntent is a plug-in that attempts to determine the user's intent by monitoring onMouseOver.)
- html5shivhtml5shiv (For Internet Explorer)
- Twitter PlatformTwitter (adds a stream of recent tweets)
- Facebook for Websites (adds a stream of recent postings)
- Facebook SDK (for authentication and sharing via the FB API)
- JavaScript SDK enables you to access all of the features of the Graph API via JavaScript, and it provides a rich set of client-side functionality for authentication and sharing. It differs from Facebook Connect.
Advertising #
Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) (a privacy-preserving mechanism for interest-based ad selection).
It is an ethical advertising project, maybe like DuckDuckGo? The Readme at Github is helpful.
The total number of users of FLoC plummeted from 50,000 to 20,000 in August, according to the graph at BuiltWith.
Hosting #
And DNS from Azure maybe
Mapping by ArcGIS #
This seems like a boss-move. De-google your web pages everybody!
Web Analytics #
Oh. The Web Analytics is Google Tag Manager.