Evan Genest's Learning Log

These are notes to myself. If you discover them and find them useful I would love to hear from you. Most of these are related to travel I did, books I read, or tech notes for Matomo and the LAMP stack.

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Pull requests checklist!


When you submit a pull request, take time to make it look nice. Logic aside, there are some general things to do in any language before you ask someone else to do a code review of your work. These are things that I forget to do when I am in a hurry to have someone look at my code.

Most Important

Even if you are sick of your code and if you are under deadline pressure, remember to do these things:

Less Important

These are still important but I think half of all programmers would not forget to do these things. For me, I need a list:

Open Source Pull Requests

All of these things apply doubly to code that is being reviewed for an open source project like Hacktoberfest. A stranger who is volunteering their time is unlikely to appreciate sloppiness in the code.