Evan Genest's Learning Log

I keep notes here. Most of these are related to travel, work, or books.

What I Learned From - David Brooks How to Know Another Person


Lists of conversation starters

In the book How to Know Another Person, David Brooks gives many suggestions for how to ask meaningful questions.

If you dislike small talk, and are ready to be warm, real, and human, then get ready to listen like David, with the following 54(!) questions.

Paradigm is the enemy of story page 216

Ways to invite someone to talk, page 74

Continued, page 74

Ask questions like a journalist page 85

A special kind of conversation: fighting! page 117

Questions he got from therapist Mary Pipher, page 41

Pipher's philosophy as a therapist: Vulnerable, love-seeking people sometimes are caught in bad situations.

Questions from Diane Mitchell

Your story, not a story p 218ish

The Life Tasks, after Erik Erikson page 193

  1. Imperial
  2. Interpersonal
  3. The rut - achieving mastery (usually in 30's and 40's)
  4. The generative
  5. Achieve integrity and avoid despair

These questions are so great, and precious, I felt like Brooks was giving away the shortcuts that a master like himself worked hard to accumulate between the Wall Street Journal, NY Times, and his current projects.

(David, never teach the secrets of the Wu Tang Clan!) LOL.

On Invisibilia podcast, April 2018, "The Callout", Hanna Rosen hosts some scientists and their esearch project: Ask someone to describe their life at length. Let them go and go.

Take their story and analyze the pronouns

Healthy ability to put themselves in context: their tale will move from I, I, I, and on to they, he, we, they, and ideally back to I, I, I.
Lost, stuck: I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I. Lacking authentic context, lacking aware of the context of their life.

Take their story and analyze the PoV

Unrealized: spoken like how a character in a book speaks.
Realized, with agency : spoken at least partly how the narrator of that story speaks